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Jupiter Artland is currently closed for General Admission. Tickets on sale now.

West Lothian 3d Challenge


West Lothian 3D Challenge

While many West Lothian schools already make use of the Free Learning Programme at Jupiter Artland, there are barriers to many schools in accessing the programme.

These barriers are particularly prevalent in secondary schools, leading to a much lower uptake in free schools visit for secondary age students. In order to better serve our local community we proposed to bring a ‘Jupiter Experience’ to secondary schools in West Lothian in the form of an outdoor sculpture design competition, working in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce.

Each S2 year group was given the challenge of designing and building a 3D sculpture to be placed in an outdoor location in the school grounds. Working in groups or as individuals, students created designs to be judged in school by teachers. A number of these designs were then put forward for consideration by a judging panel from Jupiter Artland and DYW. A winning design was selected from each school.