App Development Project

App Development Project
The Learning Team at Jupiter Artland worked with the Department of Interactive Design at Edinburgh Napier University to develop a bespoke app. This work started in 2009 and we have been awarded two tranches of funding from Interface in 2010 and Getambition Make:IT:Happen in 2013. We also received funding as part of our Generation Audience Development Award to work with young people to add further functionality to the app in 2014.
Oli Mival designed the app and Aurelien Ammeloot developed it. It is currently build for IOS devices with further plans to create an android app. Each year there are updates to content, technology and format of the app.
This FREE cutting edge app can be used onsite or offsite to enhance the visitor experience and has film, audio, text and photographs providing an in-depth look at this private family collection. For each permanent artwork there is audio containing words from the collectors, the artists and a narrator. The audio also includes music and literature that inspired the artwork as well as words from gardeners and installers who helped to realise the work.
Onsite an interactive map allows you to locate yourself in relation to the sculptures and access information on all the artworks. The Third Eye function is able to give Jupiter visitor’s access to past artwork and events at Jupiter Artland. Visitors can also choose to be notified if they pass a location where an artwork or an event once took place.
For a great article on the story of the Jupiter app development please see the Interface website.
The app can be used on iphone or ipad.
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