
Jupiter Artland is currently closed for General Admission. Tickets on sale now.
Jupiter Artland is currently closed for General Admission. Tickets on sale now.

Orbit Donation

Make a life-changing donation

This is a restricted donation where we fundraise for essential items as they arise. For 2025, £7,500 will pay for a weekend trip to London for next year’s Orbit Youth Council members.

18 young people from Scotland between the ages of 15-18 years old take part every year in a 3 day life-changing experience that takes them from their home-town to the capital of world class contemporary art.

The weekend includes travel, overnight stays, mentoring, meeting artists and spending inspirational time with them and taking part in workshops and tours in some of the greatest museums and galleries in the globe.

To say it is life-changing would be to underestimate the impact of this trip on each young person.

Young people who have been identified are selected through a competitive process from low income families with a drive and desire to follow a creative pathway. The programme is designed to encourage the flash of inspiration that every young person needs.

“I came on this trip not knowing anyone and sitting on the train down to London sitting by myself but now I’m coming home sitting beside new friends.”

Owen 16, Paisley

This experience is extraordinary. Read some testimonials from this years trip:

“I came on this trip not knowing anyone and sitting on the train down to London sitting by myself but now I am coming home sitting beside new friends.”

“I came on this trip not knowing anyone and sitting on the train down to London sitting by myself but now I am coming home sitting beside new friends.”

“I came on this trip not knowing anyone and sitting on the train down to London sitting by myself but now I am coming home sitting beside new friends.”

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