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Jupiter Artland is currently closed for General Admission. Tickets on sale now.

Phyllida Barlow: Quarry


  • Phyllida Barlow


Nestled in the woodland, quarry brings together three sculptural objects made from concrete and steel: two trunk-like columns that rise from the landscape and a mountainous flight of ruined steps.

quarry is Phyllida Barlow’s first permanent outdoor artwork. Featuring Barlow’s signature textural surfaces, quarry combines materials and structures that evoke natural growth, industrial materials, and elements of decay or ruination. As such, quarry is a perfect representation of Barlow’s inimitable aesthetic. The two rising, trunk-like columns each culminate in their own ‘sky frame’, an industrial-like structure that looms over the canopy, mimicking the oak and beech trees that grow throughout Jupiter Artland’s estate.

“The name Jupiter Artland breaks all the rules. And this is cause for celebration. Without doubt, the name of this exceptional creative endeavour forewarns the audience that what they are about to experience is by no means conventional or orthodox. For artists and public alike, there will be the delight of being surprised, thrilled, perplexed, moved and intrigued.”

Phyllida Barlow
  • About Phyllida Barlow

    Sorry no description available about Phyllida Barlow.